The counselors at Rehope Counseling are committed to individual and community healing. When they are not in session with clients one-one-one, they contribute to wellness by sharing presentations, workshops and other speaking events. They have spoken at churches, schools, sororities, and more!
Bessie Ann Christenson, MAMFC, LPC-S
Mental Health & Faith
Mommy Guilt
Parenting & Discipline with Toddlers
Peace & Perfectionism
Emma Norton, LPC
Rewiring Our Anxious Minds
Stress & Burnout
Natural Remedies for Depression
Morgan Williams, LPC
Boundary Setting is Loving
Body Image & Distorted Eating
Supporting Loved Ones Struggling with Depression & Anxiety
Interested in a different topic? Let us know! We’d love to hear what you want us to talk about and share with your group.
If you would like someone from Rehope Counseling to come to your event, school, organization, etc. fill out this form below and we will get back to you shortly.